For actual images CLICK on the FDCs or Immunoblasts or TBMs
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LABORATORY EXERCISE: Using virtual Slide 35 of lymph node and 36 of spleen identify the respective cells described above with the aid of your Digital Histology CD.
Visual Histology CD. You will not have to identify FDCs on these slides but you will have to identify them on electron micrographs. You may study these electron micrographs of FDCs on the website entitled: "The FDC Network" --- (URL: >> << ). On the virtual slides identify the following cell types: 1. Small lymphocytes in the cortex (mantle) and in smaller numbers in the germinal center (GC). 2. Medium lymphocytes; These are present mainly in thegerminal centers.
The medium lymphocytes will be all over the GC. These cells have a euchromatic nucleus that is mostly oval and a cytoplasm surrounding the nucleus which is well visible on all sides. 3. Immunoblasts are the largest B lymphocytes of the GC. They have a large euchromatic nucleus with a distinct peninsula-shaped nucleolus. This nucleolus have a round profile in cross section. These cells have ample cytoplasm all around the nucleus but no visible cytoplasmic inclusions. 4. The Tingible Body Macrophage (TBM) and the FDCs are the largest cells of the GC. The TBM has a similar euchromatic nucleus to the nucleus of immunoblasts, but only a spherical nucleolus. The TBM nucleus is slightly smaller. The cytoplasm of TBM is large and irregular in outline, extending among the surrounding cells. The diagnostic features of the TBM are the basophilic (dark) "tingible bodies" in its cytoplasm which are remnants of phagocytized, apoptotic B lymphocytes. 5. Also, you should identify the mitotic figures (B cells in various stages of mitosis). 6. Reticular cells can be identified by their euchromatic nucleus which is smaller than those of immunoblasts and TBMs. These reticular cells can be seen primarily at the margins of the GC and among the small lymphocytes in the cortex of the lymphoid nodule. All of these cells are identified on the Digital Histology CD.

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